When Trump brags about something very specific, it’s often a sign that he’s covering something up. After all, if he argues something so fiercely, it’s human nature to assume what he’s saying must be correct, instead of the exact opposite being correct.
Maybe that’s why Trump loves to brag that a) He’s a “very stable genius,” and b) He went to Wharton, which is among the best schools in the world. According to the Daily Pennsylvanian, he publicly name-dropped "Wharton" 52 times in just 2.5 years.
However, we’ve heard repeatedly from his close advisors that he’s the opposite of a genius. That, actually, he’s a rather stupid person*, who usually can’t be bothered to read even a simplified briefing memo.
We also learned earlier that although he did eventually make it to Wharton, his first school was Fordham. He transferred to Wharton after a few years with the help of a family friend.
In 2020, even more details came out about how a stupid, nearly-illiterate boy like Donald Trump was able to get into Wharton: He paid somebody to take tests for him. How do we know that? Donald’s own sister, who knew him since birth, revealed it, as did Donald’s niece Mary.
As his sister Maryanne noted in tape recordings: “He went to Fordham for one year [actually two years] and then he got into University of Pennsylvania because he had somebody take the exams.”
One of the many incidents of cheating in the life of Donald Trump.
But here’s the problem for Donald: A year earlier, Penn (Wharton) had implemented a policy of revoking degrees if a graduate was found to have provided false information in an application or cheated on an exam. So, a group of Penn professors demanded an investigation about their black-sheep alum.
Saved by the clock: OTDI 2020, Trump was rescued by a virtual statute of limitations. Penn announced: “We have determined that this situation occurred too far in the past to make a useful or probative factual inquiry possible.”
Regardless, the Wharton admissions officer who originally handled Trump’s application opined: “I certainly was not struck by any sense that I'm sitting before a genius. Certainly not a super genius."
As one of his professors supposedly sighed: "Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had!”
Again, it’s no wonder Donald threatens to sue anybody who releases his Wharton transcript.
* So many people who have worked closely with Donald come away calling him stupid. Or, as Illinois Gov JB Pritzker put it this week, Donald is "rich in only one thing--stupidity." Is that reasonable? Other than not reading, not understanding policy, and lying 30,000+ times, what does it mean for Trump to be stupid? Here's just one of our favorite examples: Trump got a lot of pub for complaining that other NATO countries weren't paying "their fair share" into NATO, that they were "delinquent" in their payments. However, that's not how NATO works. It's not a club into which members pay. Now to be fair, that's a little arcane, and as a reality TV star it's possible he didn't know that when he took his job. However...his error was pointed out by hundreds of people in the media and government. A leader of normal intelligence would have rephrased it properly the next time. But, he continued to phrase it incorrectly for years. He is simply too stupid to understand the way the world actually works.
Of course the alternative is that he knows he's wrong and continues to intentionally mislead his people. In that case, he's a supreme...a**hole. Or both.
Dive Deeper
Philadelphia magazine has an extensive summary of the rumors surrounding the Trump family relationship to Wharton
Trump the name-dropper
Mary’s allegations covered in Business Insider
Yahoo details the probe demands of the Wharton professors
The admissions officer was not so impressed, says Business Insider
Penn says their hands are tied, reported The Daily Pennsylvanian
You can read more about it in Mary Trump’s book, available here
Pritzer's quote
I didn’t remember that but it should have been expected.