The pro-discrimination president: Trump frequently backs up his bigoted views with action. That’s what happened OTDI 2019, when Trump’s team filed a Supreme Court brief. In it, they encouraged the justices to allow employers to discriminate against transgender people. Then they supplemented it with a similar brief asking SCOTUS to allow anti-gay discrimination in the workplace too.
The trials determined whether Title VII, the federal law that prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, religion or national origin, would also apply to the entire LGBTQ+ community.
Today, in 2024, SCOTUS includes three Trump appointees and three justices appointed by other GOPers. Their conservative block frequently overturns decades of precedence to do seemingly whatever Trump wants. That includes dumping Roe v Wade and Chevron, and granting presidents far more license to do whatever they please.
However, Trump wasn’t able to get quite everything he asked for; sometimes even SCOTUS is unwilling to side with an overreaching bigot. In this case, the Supreme Court ruled against Trump; their landmark ruling outlawed employer discrimination against these Americans.
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