Tens Of Thousands of Americans Died So That Donald Trump's Makeup Would Look Better
On This Day In 2020
Trump seemed unwilling to wear a Covid mask, and his stance encouraged other Americans to reject them too. Since scientists were pretty adamant that masks help inhibit the spread of Covid, Trump’s MAGA base again turned a biology issue into a culture issue.
The schemes which Trump fans invented to avoid masking were extreme. “Some crafty Trump lovers have even started to circulate official-looking fake documents that read, ‘I am exempt from the Governor's regulation mandating face mask usage in public,’ …and (using) them to bully hapless workers at supermarkets or big-box stores,” Salon reported.
So, it lead to more deaths. A study from Harvard University “estimates that as many as 12,000 COVID-related deaths can be attributed to Trump’s negative or false assertions about face masks.” And that was published in October 2020, still in the early stages of Covid; it seems reasonable to assume that the total number who died from this cause over the pandemic's years is multiples of that early figure.
And here’s the truly pitiful part you may have missed: GOPers swore that masks infringed on their liberties. Because Trump told them so. But in reality? The part which tells you all you need to know about Donald J. Trump the human being?...
The REAL reason he didn’t wear a mask—and therefore millions of GOPers didn’t—and thus the US was among the hardest-hit industrialized nations? It’s so…unbelievable, so embarrassing…
The reason is because, as aide Cassidy Hutchinson wrote, Trump didn’t like that masks smeared his bronzer makeup.
And for that, tens of thousands of American died.
Dive Deeper
The Hill reports on Trump’s maskless visit to the mask factory
Salon has the story on the Trump-MAGA war on masks
Harvard Gazette reports on estimate of 12,000 excess Covid deaths just within the first few months due to mask misinformation
Cassidy Hutchison’s book revealed why he hated masks, as reported on Yahoo News
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